Born in Paris to a Venezuelan mother and a Mexican father, Gabi Calaca is inspired and enlivened by multicultural environments. Traveling is almost a necessity and she becomes fascinated by the birds she sees across continents. With her training in Applied Arts and a bachelor’s degree in Art History from La Sorbonne, she combines her two passions by creating bird art with pencils, ink, paint and watercolor.Some birds are recurrent: Kingfishers, Herons, Woodpeckers, Swallows, Hummingbirds, Owls, etc. ‘Whenever I see or hear one of those on an early morning walk or from specific places like the train, I think « It’s good luck »‘.    

Gabi paints her birds as lucky charm images to keep close. Her art is also a way to appreciate nature. The artist’s mission is to remind us to value, respect and cherish it. 

An artist and an author, she pays tribute to her hometown with her book on the birds of Paris, Carnet des Oiseaux de Paris (2022), an introduction to birding. Nature’s attraction brings her to Ohio and inspires her poems for the e-book Winter Birds of Living Willow Farm (2024).

Une femme assise habillée d'un costume noir regarde vers le haut, la tête penchée. Un fond jaune or derrière elle. Ses mains sont posées sur ses cuisses. Elle a de longs cheveux semi bouclés.
Photo @shetoutcourt
Une dizaine d'oiseaux en vol, issus du livre Les Oiseaux de Paris de Gabi Calaca. Ils sont détourés. Chardonneret, Martinet, Hirondelle, Héron, Pigeon, Pie, Canard, Étourneau, Mouette et Geai


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