The Best Bird Apps

A good bird app can change your birder life. Here are the ones I find to be most useful and pleasant to use, for occasional or more serious birders.

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It got cold and dreamy,  total eclipse  04/08/24 

2:33 mesmerizing minutes of wonder and astonishment. 

The sun’s glow as the moon conquered and froze everything. The red flares and eeriness of it all.

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Willow Birdfeeder for Birds of Ohio

My first weaving project: a birdfeeder to watch the birds. The birds that feed on it give themselves to our delighted eyes.

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Why Calaca ?

On a trip to Mexico in 2016, my grandma baptized me.

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Awakening and Rest: a mural for a baby to come

The Sun and the Moon, the sky’s gradation and the following Cycles. A soothing mural of love and hope for a baby to come.

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