Birds of Paris Book


Are there Birds in Paris ? Find out with this book: Le héron, le pinson (Chaffinch), le faucon (Hawk) and many more…Discover the iconic French city’s birds!

After realizing how many birds I could observe in the city parks and gardens of Paris, I noticed the people close to me only saw sparrows and pigeons. When I saw their surprise at our urban bird biodiversity, I decided to make a book of art cataloguing avian life.

It is a sixty-ish page book that presents lexicons, a map, illustrations and texts about 44 birds you can find in Paris and its suburbs but also other French cities. If you are curious while strolling around the gardens, parks and woods!

Includes lexicons, a map of Paris, texts in French and illustrations.

Book can be signed by the author at your request, please write name and any other helpful information when you go to checkout, in the Notes section.

Design, layout, art and texts : © Gabi Calaca

Catégorie :



Author Gabi Calaca
Category Amateur Birding Guide / Urban Nature
Number of pages 62
EAN 979 1 04151 427 4
Price €20
Illustration Gabi Calaca
First publication date 02/11/2022
Language French
Weight 300 g 
Size 26 x 0,5 x 21 cm

ISBN 979-10-415-142 7-4

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Poids 500 g
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