I didn’t know Sarah very well, she was a close friend of my best friend Paola. I had the opportunity to spend time near her at events, parties and weekends in the countryside.
Like so many people, I was marked by her joy, her humor, her laughter, and also by her hands.
I remember a concert by Sarah and my friend Lluc at her house. Her at the piano and him at the clarinet. There were a lot of people, paintings of her sister Elena on the walls, the atmosphere was warm, loving.
I don’t really remember the concert but a strong impression remained in me: I was looking at the musicians’ hands.
Sarah had small hands like me, maybe even smaller and I admired how she played this big instrument with grace and dexterity. It was almost absurd, as if she exceeded the physical limits that seemed imposed on small hands, thanks to her love for music and her will.
I don’t know music and musicians always impress me. I see the necessity for sharing, listening and harmony that unite musicians and I find it to be one of the most beautiful forms of art, one that always moves me. I practice a solitary art and I admire them.
I had the chance to benefit from Sarah’s enthusiasm and altruism. She had bought my book on the Birds of Paris, first in PDF format, then a second time when I published it in print, accompanied by a drawing of a Green Woodpecker that she had chosen among other bird drawings on my website.

She had bought the book a third time when she wanted to gift it as Christmas approached. Each time with cheerful words. When Paola responded to one of her ephemeral publications on Instagram that praised the bird song descriptions of my book, Sarah replied: “I’m such a fan ahahah like what a great ekphrasis”
I went to get the definition of this word that I had not seen since college, was moved, and felt carried by such spontaneity, sharing and love. I told Paola “Sarah is really great, for real it’s people like her who give the will to continue. She too is in the full love team”
Trough little gestures and words, Sarah was an example of generosity and joy to me.
I remain in admiration and inspired by her qualities.
When I walk in nature and hear the Green Woodpecker, I think of Sarah. With a song that sounds like a bright laugh, and with its beautifully bright and complementary colors, I think it suits her well.

Sarah Muller wrote ‘a poem of herself’